

Aaru by David Meredith 

Ambrose Beacon by Alena Gouviea 

Aquila: From the Darkness by T.L. Searle

The Arab Monroe by Sienna Wilder 




Bad Blood by Nicky Peacock 

Boy Red by Shanata Everington 

The Boy Who Spoke to Stars by Ben Miles 

Braineater by Stephen Kozeniewski

Brooklyn Flame by Mira Gibson




Catalyst by Marc Johnson 

Chase You to the Sun by Jocelyn Han 

Chaos Company by Christopher Slayton

Cloudstone Key by Darren T. Patrick

The Crimson Corset by Tamara and Alistar Cross




Dark Seraphine Series 

Daughters of the Lake by Jane Riddell 

Dead Peasants by Dustin Stevens 

Death by Diploma by Kelley Kay 

Dirty Like Me by Janie 

The Dreamers Lotus by Mike Dickenson






Fear Week by Andrew McBurnie 

Fire Prophet by Jerel Law 

Forged in Grace by Jordan Rosenfield 


A Gift Freely Given by J. Ellen Ross 

The Girl In Between by Laken Z. Kemp 

The Girls’ Guide to Savvy Grace by Alicia Young

Glintborn Fools by J.L. Knight  

The Gothic Rainbow by Eric Muss Barnes

Gravedigger by Michael-Isreal Jarvis

Grishma  by Kelly Blount



Highfall by Ani Alexander 

Horse Sense by Lapo Menzi

How the Wolf Lost Her Heart by Sarah Brownlee 


Illusive Intrusion by Thomas Chrusciel 

Impaler Legacy by Ioana Visan

Intangible by J. Meyers 

The Island by Jennifer Minkman 







The Last Replacement by Kacie Chumley 

Layla’s Gale by Nicole Pouchet 

The Lightbearers by Nora Garcia 

Lily the Witch Hunter by Emma Hart 

Lolly by Jeff Stewart 

Lost in Manhattan by Cherry-Ann Carew 


Madison Fox Adventure by Rebecca Chastain 

Make You See Stars by Jocelyn Han

Make You See Stars by Jocelyn Han (Pt. 2)

Mana by Asher Tensi 

The Memory Plot by D.W. Carver 

Moneta by George Bachman 

Mortom by Erik Therme 


New Revelations by Heather 

Never After by Jason Macumber 

Never Again by Amanda Nennig 

Nevermore by Lucy Swing 

Nightfall Gardens by Allen Houston

Nomad by J.L. Bryn 

Now I Know its My Fault by Laurie B. Levine   


Of Sudden Origin by Chase Hardwood 

Oliver and Jumpy by Werner Stejskal 

Our Beautiful Child by Annalisa Crawford 

The Owlbear and the Omens by Aengie Scevity 


The Path of the Fallen by Dylan O’Brien 

Persephone by Kaitlin Bevis 

Persistence of Memory by Winona Kent  

Phoenix Rising by Lisa Morgan 

Pick-Up Sticks by Jaqueline Conwell 

Picture Perfect by Camille Dixon

A Plea to a Frozen God by A.M. Skiera 

Pledged by Gwynneth White 

The Price of Promiscuity by Blade Dubois  

Prime Deception by Carys Jones

The Prophecy by Rachel Deagan





Rebel Song by Amanda Clay  

Reckless Engineer by Jac Wright 

The Recluse Story Teller by Mark Sasse

Redemption by Andrew Joyce 

Sacrificed by Emily Wibberley 

Salted by Aaron Galvin 

The Secret of Isian by Serena Clark 

Sectors by Harule Stokes 

Shudder by Samantha Durante 

Shui Gui by Vivian Towers 

Six Months to Get a Life by Ben Adams 

Sleeping Beauty and the Beast by Melissa Lemon 

Sniggerless Boundulations by Morgan Bell 

A Souls Kiss by Deborah Chapton

Spire City by Daniel Ausema

The Star Wars Rings by Tomas Pueyo 

Struck by Clarissa Johal 


Thrall by Jennifer Q 

Till Death & Beyond by Lyn C. Johnson  

Timespell by Diana Paz 



 Unknown Solider by David Preston


The Vitandi by Denver Batiste 

The Voice by Jennifer A . Davis 



Waking Up Dead by Margo Bond Collins 

The War Within by Tye Shirelle  

The Waves by Jennifer Minkman 

When She Smiled by Ritoban Chakrabarti

The Wishing Coin by Antara Man 

The Wolf Slayer by Patricia La Berbera