Review Policy

Accepting Requests: yes
Genres Accepted:
Adult, New Adult and Young Adult Romance
Sci-Fi (on a case-by-case basis) 

Genres NOT Accepted:

*There are NO exceptions to the above.   

formats Accepted:
Print (Preferred)
e-Book (Kindle Compatible) 

Guest Post
The above extras can be included with a review or as its own post. If there is additional content you wish to include with your review that is not listed above, please let us know at the time of your request.
Where do the reviews go?
Ideally everywhere! While we hope readers see our reviews and share them with others, we can’t control that. What we can do is at least guarantee our reviews will be posted on Lovely Reads Press, our social media pages and Amazon.
*If you want to see your review on a specific site, please let us know and we will do our best to accommodate.
Policy Disclosure:
We will respond to requests ASAP; however, life can happen. If you do not receive a response within a week, feel free to follow up with us.
Our reviews are honest and based on our own personal thoughts.
If a review is a DNF, we reserve the right to post as such or decline to post.
Due to our busy schedules outside of the site, review dates can be subject to change.
All review copies received are kept by the reviewer only and NEVER shared.
Requests must be submitted via the form below to be considered.



rating System:

Why are you just sitting there?! Go and read this book already!
Oh, so close! Loved it, but it was missing that tiny sprinkling of fairy dust.
Meh, I didn’t love it, but I didn’t hate it.
Nope, not for me. Most likely didn’t finish it.

Bury it. It never existed.