Feb 18, 2014

Elizabeth and the Pirates Adventure

ElsBeth and the Pirates Adventure

by J. Bean Palmer

BookCape Cod Witches Series #2
Publisher: Holly Hill Press
Pub Date: Feb 21 2013
Genre: Childrens
Format: eBook
Source: Author
Book LinksGoodreads   Amazon

Book II in the popular award winning Cape Cod Witch Series featuring ElsBeth Amelia Thistle. 

While on an innocent field trip to Boston’s historic Freedom Trail, ElsBeth and her classmates become entangled in the fateful kidnapping of another student -- a young Arabian Prince. 

Under the Old North Church they meet the famous freedom fighter, the pirate ghost Captain Thomas Jacques, who leads them on a daring rescue attempt across the treacherous waters to Nantucket Island. And along the way ElsBeth and her friends get a real-life lesson in fighting for freedom and caring about something bigger than themselves. 

Readers also discover a treasure chest of historical nuggets and Cape and Islands lore, together with a brief sketch of the authentic pirates featured in Books I and II. 

Includes thirteen original illustrations and other stylized graphic art.

My Review:  I'm back with book 2! Okay so ElsBeth is the youngest witch, in second grade, and is about to go on a field trip! Remember those days? Field trips meant a day of fun, no school, no work, just play! So ElsBeth is excited to go to Boston. She just loves adventure, but her grandma is not very happy about it. Rumors has it, that all witches go crazy when they go into Boston. Spirits live there. I'm guessing it's from way back when the trials were happening in Mass. So anyway, what kid does what they are told all the time? ElsBeth loves her grandma, but is still going to Boston. 

So off in Boston, adventure hit's ElsBeth pretty quickly. She meets a Pirate who agrees to help her. You see, one of the kids got kidnapped and ElsBeth is off to save the kid. ElsBeth has great friends, they are always helping her on these adventures!  I'm loving these books, and that ElsBeth is this kid witch and it just seems so normal. Should give kids a large imagination to play with!  

You even learn cool things while reading! So an extra bonus for younger readers and maybe some refreshers to us older readers. 

Like these boooks? Well tomorrow I have the third book ready for you all! Plus I will be putting a giveaway up tomorrow for these books. 

My Rating: