Jun 3, 2013

Guest Post for Hearts in Exile

Not Always Paradise
When she was just a girl, she expected the world; But it flew away from her reach…
~from Paradise by Coldplay

The opening line of this song sums up Loralee’s life in Hearts in Exile so very well. From a young age, what Loralee wanted most in the world was to become a great healer, even greater than her mother, the High Priestess Arianne. She worked hard to achieve that dream, and it was just within her reach…before it all fell apart.

Loralee could have crumbled; she could have succumbed to the depression of failure, never trying to succeed at anything else again. Yet, she didn’t. In the midst of unforeseeable circumstances, she rose to the challenge and made the most of life’s lemons. Instead of the next great High Priestess of Leogard, Loralee became the Dragon Keeper to an entire island filled with legendary creatures.

I so admire Loralee’s resilience. Even though she’s fictional, we can all learn from her experience when our own dreams fall apart. How?
First, she planned ahead. From the start, she knew exactly how she would go about getting what she wanted. She weighed the risks, considered who would be affected, and made intelligent (though sometimes risky) decisions to meet her goals.

When those plans first started to fall apart, she considered other options and set a different course so that her skills could still be used and not wasted. Most importantly, when even THAT course of action became impossible and she ended up in exile, she learned to adapt to the situation and make the most of it.

We’ll never be able to achieve absolutely everything we set out to do, but there’s no reason we can’t learn from our disappointments and set a new course. Think about the skills you have and the experience you’ve gathered over the years, and when plans fall apart, use your knowledge to make the most of what’s available. Maybe you didn’t get that promotion you wanted, but there’s no reason you can’t maximize your performance in your current job until a new opportunity comes along. Maybe a relationship crumbled. Use the time alone to work on getting in touch with yourself, so that when and if a new person comes along, you’ll know more about what you want and don’t want.

Yes, those dreams of ours may fly away from our reach, but look around you and make the most of what you have. You never know—an even better dream may land right in your arms.

Author Bio
Mysti Parker (pseudonym) is a full time wife, mother of three, and a writer. Her first novel, A Ranger's Tale was published in January, 2011 by Melange Books, and the second in the fantasy romance series, Serenya's Song, was published in April 2012. The highly anticipated third book, Hearts in Exile, has already received some great reviews. The Tallenmere series has been likened to Terry Goodkind's 'Sword of Truth' series, but is probably closer to a spicy cross between Tolkien and Mercedes Lackey.

Mysti's other writings have appeared in the anthologies Hearts of Tomorrow, Christmas Lites, and Christmas Lites II. Her flash fiction has appeared on the online magazine EveryDayFiction. She has also served as a class mentor in Writers Village University's six week free course, F2K. 

Mysti reviews books for SQ Magazine, an online specfic publication, and is the proud owner of Unwritten, a blog voted #3 for eCollegeFinder's Top Writing Blogs award. She resides in Buckner, KY with her husband and three children.